modern quilted feather design

Feathers for Modern Quilts

 presented by

Quilting Curve Studio

Sam Alberts

Making feathers modern! I am all about changing the narrative on feathers.  This is because feathers are easy to stitch (once you get your practice in) and are so versatile.

If this isn't your experience then let me show you!  This course is about how to change the basic feather into something different to suit your quilt and make it modern.  I will cover the classic feathers as well but this course would be best suited for someone who has stitched a couple of feathers and is looking to expand their skills. 

This course is in the planning stages.  So jump on the waitlist and you will be notified when the course goes live and you can get the best price possible. 

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Feathers for Modern Quilts

 presented by

Quilting Curve Studio

Sam Alberts

Making feathers modern! I am all about changing the narrative on feathers.  This is because feathers are easy to stitch (once you get your practice in) and are so versatile.

If this isn't your experience then let me show you!  This course will be about how to change the basic feather into something different to suit your quilt and make it modern.  I will cover the classic feathers as well but this course would be best suited for someone who has a reasonable hold on feathers and is looking to expand their skills. 

This course is in the planning stages.  So jump on the waitlist and you will be notified when the course goes live and you can get the best price possible. 

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It's time to level up and learn to see past the regular quilt block.


Sam Alberts


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