Block Series - Modern Feathers - Block 2
Apr 19, 2023
You may or may not have noticed, but I accidentally pieced this block upside down! Hahaha, oh well, there are no quilt police here! If you are planning to quilt this block in the same way you can just quilt it upside up.
You can watch the full video on my YouTube Channel
The first rendition of this feather quilt block was quite a bit different.
Although this isn't the design I chose to put on YouTube there are still great things about this block. I like the corners best, the outline is pretty cool. Here is the sketch I came up with after I decided to try again.
Hahaha, the sketches only get worse from here... And the finished, final block.
I love the combination of the traditional feather and the modern pebble pop filler. I've always enjoyed mixing styles (sometimes to the detriment of my wardrobe...). I hope that you give mixing styles a try, it's about experimenting and seeing what works best. I am happy that I tried and tried again.
The machine is an older Handi Quilter Avante with a stitch regulator.
I am using Glide Thread in the colour white.
The marking pen I use is a Kering blue water-soluble marker (any blue one will do).
I used my Rocket Ruler by Silly Moon Quilt Co. my BFF from the Quilted Pineapple and my 12" straight ruler also by the Quilted Pineapple.
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