Block Series - Modern Style - Block 6
Feb 22, 2023
My favorite aspect of modern quilting is the ability to add new interest to traditional blocks. Readers of this blog series may have seen my concept drawings before. I spent a lot of time figuring out the basic shapes but delayed deciding on the spacing and filler placement. If I had made these decisions earlier, the process may have gone smoother. Nevertheless, the challenge of keeping the different blocks cohesive required a bit of creativity and on-the-fly designing.
Here is a link to the YouTube Video:
And a link to the panel and pattern information:
Here is the concept I drew up for this block:
As you can see I changed my mind about the diagonal Piano Key opting for a frame and Matchstick quilting (just to spread the designs more evenly across the quilt. If you are really observant you will notice in the video how I had originally stitched a 1/2" frame in the grey, removed it, and went with the 1/4", I think this was a good choice.
All in all a good block if I do say so myself :) Here are some of the tidbits.
The machine is an older Handi Quilter Avante with a stitch regulator.
I am using Glide Thread in the colour white.
The marking pen I use is a Kering blue water-soluble marker (any blue one will do).
I only used my Rocket Ruler by Silly Moon Quilt Co.,
Happy stitching.
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